Monday, May 10, 2010

A Morning with Dad

Yesterday might have been Mother's Day but today was Dad's Day.
That is my dad and he is fantastic.

-He likes to watch Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Wheel of Fortune, CNN, old Chinese films that have been dubbed over, and most recently, basketball
-He loved the film No Country For Old Men.
-He really disliked the film I Love You, Man.
-He loves The Count of Monte Cristo. After reading that, John Grisham didn't seem to cut it anymore.
-He would very much like to find another book as good as Monte Cristo but has so far been unable to.
-He is very particular about his food. He still raves about the steak he had at Max SoHa in New York last May.

The best thing about my dad is that he'll drive me, my mom, and my sister for a day of shopping and even as the hours melt away, he NEVER complains about it. Most of the time, he wanders into his own stores or goes out for a nap in the car. But he'll never rush us or seem annoyed to be there. Because he's happy. When his girls are happy, he's happy. That's the best dad you can ask for.
Today I spent the morning with my dad. He's been pretty sick for the past few months, but now he's recovering quite nicely. It was great to see him up and about, running errands, and driving again. We went to Target to get some groceries (love the new market inside!) and to pick up some flowers for the garden. Our front yard has been a bit lacking in the colorful department for the past couple of months, so we purchased a few pretty little things and gave them a new home.
Gardening is hard work. I got a nice little thigh, arm, and butt workout in the process.
Overall, it was one of those really nice mornings. The kind that remind you how simple and uncomplicated life can be when you let it. 
And that is all :)