Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Sun Will Come Out Today

view from my room, the way it should be.
A few things made me extremely happy today...
first, i woke up BEFORE my alarm clock this morning. honestly, the only time that ever happens is when i've set my alarm clock for noon after a late night. but not today. the alarm clock was set for 7:30 AM and my eyes just naturally opened up at exactly 7:11 AM this morning. to top off that miracle, sunshine was everywhere in my room (i sleep with my curtains open) and i was so happy to be up, awake, and not feeling the slightest bit groggy. i know, annoying, right?

my mom picked up some mouth-watering strawberries from a local stand. fresh, organic & cheap! i top it on hot oatmeal with vanilla soy milk & honey, and if you've never had that combination before, trust me, you'll want to :)
 the tree in our front yard is in full bloom now. every fall, my dad chops off all the branches on this thing even though my sister and i gripe about how ugly it looks. he insists it's better for the leaves when they come in. and boy, have they. welcome back, buddy.
  after lunch, i made flan with my mom. it's our new obsession since we've discovered the perfect recipe. seriously, it's delicious. if you're my friend and you enjoy flan, just let me know and i'll make some for you the next time you're over.
then i got the best gift in the mail since kristen sent me twilight doorknob hangers for my birthday. my dear friend mr. jake kilroy has made himself into a rockstar with his self-produced EP, Great Western Skies. it's trippy and giddy and makes me want to run outside with flowers in my hair in the '70s (not sure if that was his intention but that is my review). plus, it has undoubtedly made him about 234987x hotter in my eyes. but he was pretty darn hot anyway. if you're curious about mr. jake, go here.
tomorrow: jackie's art show at Phlox. will be bringing my camera to document this momentous occasion. will then post on here and embarrass her with plenty of flattery.